Monday, November 28, 2011

What are Hemroids

What Are Hemroids?

Hemroids is a disease which occurs when the veins inside the anus get swollen. Hemroids are present in everybody but it is not a problem on everybody. It becomes a problem when the rectum veins start swelling, itching, produces burning sensations and pain. The symptoms of hemroids also include bleeding while passing of stool, after passing of stool and formation of lumps around the anus and the rectum.
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The next question is 'what causes hemroids?'
Hemroids are caused when too much pressure is asserted or given to the rectum while passing stool. This strain makes the veins to swell and thus the problem arises.
There are two types of hemroids. One is internal hemroid and the other is external hemroid. The symptoms for both are mostly common but bleeding from inside the rectum happens only when the person is suffering from internal hemroid. Bright red colored blood flows down from the anus while patient is sitting in the toilet. It is quite miserable for the patient and frightening also. When this bright red blood turns into dark red then it means that the injury is deepening. This happens when the swollen veins is scratched. Excessive bleeding can be very dangerous.
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In the case of external hemroid, the condition is not as serious as the internal hemroid but still the pain is of the same intensity. The symptoms are external as for example the swelling, the forming of lumps, itching and pain around the anal area.
There are many treatments available for hemroids. The patient may even get treated with the help of home remedies where easy ad simple methods are used. For fast relief one can put plats like the aloe vera or apply oils like almond oil or olive oil in the areas around the anus. Soaking the affected area in war water is also very helpful.
The patient may also go to the doctor for help. At the clinic, piles or hemroids are treated by surgery which may be manual or laser. There are also a large number of medicines which are available to produce fast relief to the problem. These medicines come in different forms like creams or gels or ointments and they serve different purposes. They may be herbal in nature or made of chemicals.
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It is very important for the patient to remember to be hygienic and take all precautionary steps to avert this problem. Keeping a check on weight and eating the right food as well as drinking a lot of water are important things which should never be ignored.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Treat Hemorroids Naturally

Have you wondered why there is a bloodstain in your stool? Do you experience difficulty in losing your bowel? Then you probably are suffering from hemorrhoid. This condition can also be diagnosed in pregnant women. This can be painful as the stool passes in the anus which causes the bleeding. This happened when the nerve in the lower part of the anus are inflamed and distended. It can also be caused by chronic bowel obstruction, aging and gut rot. Both men and women may acquire this condition. Most pregnant women also acquire piles. The humiliating nature of this condition can make any person suffer from it silently. But if you are one of the people who are humiliated because of this condition then it is time for you to change your mind now because this may lead to more serious health problems if not treated earlier. You should also try to change your lifestyle, your diet and you also need to increase your water and fiber intake. Regular exercise will also help you get soft stools in no time.
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Here are the natural remedies that might help you ease the pain and bleeding you are experiencing because of hemorrhoid:
- Barberry
This herb can help balance the microorganisms inside your digestive system.
- Horse-chestnut
This is the natural remedy for hemorrhoid and it can also help to make the veins surrounding the skin in your anus to become stronger. It can also help ease the inflammatory.
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- Pysillium
This will act as laxative that can help make your stool soft so as to prevent painful bowel movement and bleeding.
- Neem
This particular herb has a antibacterial ingredient that can be a great pain reliever and anti inflammatory. It can also ease the pain and itch.
- Slippery Elm
This herb is use as topical cream for the outer layer of the anus' skin. This will ease the pain from the inflamed area.
- Witch hazel
This can help reduce the swelling and soreness of the inflamed area in the anus.
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If you noticed changes in your bowel movement, make sure to consult your doctor at once to get the right medications and treatments for possible hemorrhoid before it gets too late.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Finding A Hemmoroid Cure That Works

Hemmoroids can be a very painful and irritating condition that is enough to make a person feel like they have been driven to distraction. When they are at their most prominent, they are enough to make your life a living hell, affecting concentration and comfort to the extent where you don't have a moment's peace.
Anyone suffering from the condition will know that there are many products on the market which promise themselves as a hemmoroid cure but, when they are put to use, barely make any dent on the problem. To offer a cure for a condition and then fail to provide it is an insult twice over.
Many sufferers persist with a search for a very long time before they find a hemmoroids cure, and when they do find that cure they only do it after having spent an inordinate amount of money and time, and gone through a lot of pain and frustration. These people deserve better than they get.
A decent hemmoroid treatment will treat the condition at its source and on the surface too, meaning that you get instant relief from this condition which can be so painful and problematic while at the same time ensuring that it will not return.
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Once you are free from the curse of hemmoroids, your life can really start again. You will not need to worry about the condition coming back and giving you a mighty cross to bear. You will be able to start doing all the things that you had to stop when the condition first really flared up. It's a new lease of life.
It is important that you are not lied to any more and that you can find a hemmoroids treatment as soon as possible so that the rest of your life is lived free from this awful condition. Don't let the situation persist when there is an alternative that will work for you and can free you today.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hemorrhoid Cream

Hemorrhoid Cream - Are They Effective At Providing Hemorrhoid Relief?

Anyone suffering with or who has suffered with hemorrhoids knows that when you are in the middle of a flare-up all you want is something to relieve the pain.
You will reach for hemorrhoid cream, ointment, suppositories or whatever you can find to get some kind of relief. But are hemorrhoid creams really effective?
Well in reality a hemorrhoid cream will not cure your hemorrhoid condition, but it will give you the temporary pain relief you need when your hemorrhoids are in full force.
Many people misunderstand this and believe that using a hemorrhoid cream will ultimately cure your hemorrhoids. This is just not the case.

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When your hemorrhoids are active, using a cream or ointment along with other hemorrhoid treatments, such as warm sitz baths, applying ice, using witch hazel, using a stool softener and adding lots of fiber and water to your diet will assist in reducing the swelling of the hemorrhoid and getting rid of some of the pain.
These creams are not meant for long term use. If you are truly looking to eliminate your hemorrhoids completely, you need more than a temporary fix, you must make some lifestyle changes.
Curing hemorrhoids starts by healing what is going wrong inside your body first.
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As most people are aware of the number one cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. The constant pushing and pressure you are applying to your veins when attempting to have a bowel movement will cause hemorrhoids.
The best way to remedy this is to change your diet to include healthy high fiber foods and at least 8 glasses of water daily. The fiber and water will help move waste through your body and prevent you from becoming constipated.
The water is also instrumental in keeping your body healthy and hydrated. Water also flushes the body of harmful toxins.
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Remember hemorrhoid creams are helpful if you are experiencing a flare-up, other than that living a healthier lifestyle should help immensely in keeping hemorrhoids from coming back.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hemorrhoid Surgery

How Long Is Recovery Time After Hemorrhoid Surgery?

The presence of hemorrhoids may prompt one to consult his/her medical health practitioner, especially if the kind of hemorrhoids s/he possesses is the one that is termed as internal prolapsed hemorrhoid or the other one named external thrombosed hemorrhoid. With this medical condition, extremely excruciating and incapacitating pain may be experienced, prompting one to consult a doctor and therefore undergo surgery when all the other natural ways cannot help relieve such sensation of severe pain. Now, one of the common that is usually asked by the affected individual before the surgical procedure is for how long it would take to recover after hemorrhoid surgery. Let us altogether find out the answer.
The Surgical Procedure
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The most common things that actually happen during the procedure is that you will be given a little sedative or anesthesia or none at all. These surgical removals of hemorrhoids are actually done in an out-patient department or right in the clinic or office of your medical health practitioner. Anyway, after you are anesthetized, your hemorrhoids will be removed by using a scalpel and a particular stapler or suture to stitch the skin. These stitches will be gone in not time, although follow-up checks is a must.
It is important to note that there are risks involved just like any other surgeries, no matter how minor this is. One of the risks is infection. Without careful handling after the surgery, the healing wound may become infected, resulting in a much bigger problem. It is therefore appropriate to really be careful after the surgery. The other risk includes bleeding. This is why follow-up check-ups are necessary to monitor the healing process.
Recovery Time

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The recovery time after the hemorrhoid surgery is actually a case to case basis, nonetheless most patients report to completely heal after 2 to 4 weeks. Sometimes, it will take one more than 4 weeks, but it happens rarely. The minimum recovery time is 2 weeks depending if the patient follows accordingly the advices and orders of his/her respective medical health practitioner.
After the surgical removal, it is important to note the ways on how to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids. These ways are easy to follow yet it takes discipline and patience in practicing them daily. So here are the natural and inexpensive ways you may want to apply for yourself:
Drink 8 - 12 glasses of water a day
It is imperative to drink a lot of water not only to cleanse the body from the harmful bodily wastes but also to get rid of constipation. With constipation, you are tasked to strain during fecal elimination. And with straining comes the pressure applied on the rectal veins, thus the presence of hemorrhoids. It is therefore important to soften the stools to allow for ease in passing stools and the avoidance of pressure on the veins found in the anus.
Eat the right foods
Fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables are the right and best foods to take to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids. The fibers work to soften the stool, thereby permitting an individual to eliminate with ease and not straining.
Work out!
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Exercise increases your metabolism thereby allowing you to move your bowels regularly thereby constipation is highly avoided. It is through exercising that you do not only make yourself fit and healthy but it also allows you to avoid the occurrence of hemorrhoids and its concomitant signs and symptoms such as pain, itchiness, and extreme discomfort.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Causes Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids and What Causes Them

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Hemorrhoids are an inflammation in your anal canal due to swollen veins. This is a common problem with a lot of people and is not usually serious but can be very painful. Many people get hemorrhoids at some point in their lifetime. There are a few factors that can result in developing hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids develop when there is too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal area. The tissue inside the anus usually fills with blood to control bowel movements. If you strain when having a bowel movement too much pressure will cause the veins in the tissue to swell up and stretch out. This is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. Constipation and diarrhea may also cause excessive pressure and cause inflammation in the anal canal. Women that are pregnant can also develop hemorrhoids during the last 6 months of pregnancy due to excessive pressure in the pelvic region. The hemorrhoids can worsen during labor and be extremely painful.
There are two different types of hemorrhoids. First there is, internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are usually small and veins swell up in the anal canal wall. In more severe cases they can be big and swell out of the anus at times. These can be very painful if they swell up and get squeezed by the buttock. If these hemorrhoids swell up, you may see mucus and the toilet or toilet paper. Second there is, external hemorrhoids. This type hemorrhoid appears as a bump or dark area surrounding the anus and can get irritated by cloth and cause a hard painful lump in the anus. The usual symptoms for both internal and external hemorrhoids are bleeding during bowel movement, blood on toilet paper, itching, rectal pain, and pain when cleaning the anal area.
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There are a number of methods you can apply when it comes to keeping hemorrhoids under control. It is believed that constipation is one of the main factors that can cause, and irritate existing hemorrhoids. It is highly recommended that individuals with existing hemorrhoids make the effort to soften their bowel movements. This can be achieved by increasing the fiber in your diet. Fiber is also a good source to control diarrhea, which is believed to aggravate hemorrhoids. The recommended daily dose of fiber is about 25 grams, while the average American diet only contains about 15 grams. Fiber can be found in many different food products such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and grains.
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Drinking plenty of fluids may also be recommended to soften your stool. There are also several over the counter treatments that will give you relief from hemorrhoids. Although these are effective to making you feel better, they are only temporary and symptoms will usually come back. One example of an over the counter solution is local anesthetics. This will temporarily relieve burning and itching by numbing the nerve endings. These types of products should only be limited to the lower anal canal. Local anesthetics can sometimes cause an allergic reaction and should be discontinued immediately if this occurs. Another popular over the counter remedy is protectants. Protectants can prevent irritation to the affected area by creating a barrier on the skin. This barrier reduces burning, pain, itch and irritation. These are highly effective for temporary relief of hemorrhoids; however a more permanent solution should be considered if the pain is too uncomfortable.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Hemorrhoidectomy: Eliminate Hemorrhoids Effortlessly

Hemorrhoidectomy is the surgical procedure done to remove the swollen veins around the anus. These swelling of the veins are what are clinically defined as hemorrhoids. This is also called rectal lumps or piles.
A call for this surgery is when the hemorrhoids have developed to an advanced stage where the patients cannot stand the pain any longer. This is the period where neither cream combination nor drugs for the treatment are ineffective. This is the period where the patients go through lots of severe pain and discomfort followed with lots of anal leakages which in some conditions, lead to patients losing their self-esteem.

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It is advisable that long before one gets to the stage of having to take surgical procedures for the removal of rectum lumps or piles as some people call it, one needs to get acquainted with the deep root causes of hemorrhoids.There are several causes it is believed in general that constipation and straining to have bowel movements promote hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is recommended for people with trace of hemorrhoids to ingest lots of fiber in the meals.
In the event of a hemorrhoid attack, people use several treatments methods like the sitz baths, special dieting just to mention a few only to result in the negative. It is when the above mentioned do not produce adequate results that people eventually decide on taking the hemorrhoidectomy. But one question left to be answered is, "will this surgical procedure eventually eradicate the root cause of the hemorrhoid and prevent it from reoccurring?"
I know of people who take to applying creams frequently to ease down the effect of hemorrhoids. But that doesn't solve the problem because it comes back. Some people who cannot afford to live their lives being dictated to by this frustrating disease turn to resort to to the edge of the knife on the surgical table only to come back to where they had started. This even brings more and more frustration to the extent of people losing it.
One thing life teaches us is to always get to the bottom of problems, know their causes, their pros and the cons in order to come up with constructive solutions to deal with it. It is only by this approach that situations of this nature can be overcome.
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Having said that, one may ask why go into the hassle of going under the knife when you YOURSELF can stop being a victim to hemorrhoids which eventually forces you to go under this surgical procedure.