Thursday, November 10, 2011


How Hemorrhoids Develop

Hemorrhoids is a health problem that is closely related to lifestyle traits and habits so knowing how hemorrhoids develop and what causes hemorrhoids is the first step in curing it and keeping it at bay permanently. Only then can you work on finding the right cure for the problem that you are facing.
Hemorrhoids can develop internally or externally. Internal hemorrhoids grows from inside the anal cavity and is usually felt rather than seen. However, there are in more extreme cases where the hemorrhoids prolapse and protrude from the anus opening. External hemorrhoids range from small tiny sacs to larger lumps that develop on the outside around the anus.
Generally, hemorrhoids develop because of swelling of the rectal veins. This swelling causes the vein to bulge against the walls, forming sacs that are generally tiny at first but without proper treatment, will continue to swell and bulge even bigger. This is how an internal hemorrhoids can prolapse out of the anus.
In some cases, hemorrhoids will bleed. Sometimes especially for internal hemorrhoids, the presence of hemorrhoids can be so subtle that the only times when one notices it is when they start to bleed. This is when they notice traces of blood on their stool and in the toilet bowl and begin panicking.
The bleeding can come from a number of reasons. For internal hemorrhoids especially, bleeding can start when the pressure builds up in the veins to a point when it became vulnerable. This pressure could have come mainly from overstraining especially during constipation. For external hemorrhoids where the sacs hang loosely on the outside, bleeding mainly comes from contact with the hemorrhoids, especially when it is scratched. External hemorrhoids can be itchy but you do need to fight the urge. When the hemorrhoids start to bleed, it opens it up to infection. Bleeding hemorrhoids are also known as thrombosed hemorrhoids.
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Prolapsed hemorrhoids causes the hemorrhoids to swell and sag to a point where it protrude out of the anus. In most cases, the hemorrhoids can be pushed back into the anal opening but there are times when doing so might aggravate it even more and cause it to bleed.
With all these ways that hemorrhoids can develop, it is easy to see where the cause of hemorrhoids lie. It generally boils down to overstraining. The overstraining can come from a variety of reasons including constipation, sitting too much, standing too much, sitting on the toilet bowl too long, obesity and more. The key here is to identify what caused your hemorrhoids and work on that first before you go ahead and start work on a cure.
There are numerous types of treatment for hemorrhoids that you can opt to use. The type that I prefer most are natural remedies. These tend to have a more permanent and lasting effect but the problem with it is that it does take a while to work. A different approach you could choose is to go for a medical procedure. There are a few here to choose from as well from a simple banding to a hemorrhoidectomy. These procedures would be more costly but they do solve the immediate problem immediately.

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