Saturday, November 12, 2011

Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal Hemorrhoids - Don't Ignore Them

Hemorrhoids are veins within the anus and the anal canal which become swollen. Those near the opening of the anus are called external hemorrhoids. Those inside the anal canal are internal hemorrhoids.
Both can occur at the same time as their causes are similar although the symptoms and treatments differ. We will discuss internal hemorrhoids.
Because internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anal canal they are not that easy to palpate compared to external ones. The swelling of internal hemorrhoids occurs when pressure is increased in the affected area. In the case where the swelling is rather severe they may protrude outside the anus.
They usually present themselves by red blood in the stools. Other symptoms include itching and pain. If they become thrombosed the pain may be rather intense.
As mentioned above, internal hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure. This causes straining and enlarging of the veins. That is why the blood is pooled within them.
The most common symptom is painless bleeding with a bowel movement. Rectal bleeding is never normal and while usually caused by hemorrhoids, it can be the symptom of more serious diseases. If you have rectal bleeding consult a physician.
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It is also possible that internal hemorrhoids prolapse. This often causes itching and pain, and then the risk that they become thrombosed increases. If this happens, it normally requires a medical attention.
Diagnosis is usually made by a history and digital examination. Sometimes a sigmoidoscope, a flexible instrument containing a scope and light source, can be used to visualize the anus to make a more accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory testing may be used to rule out anemia if significant blood loss is suspected. A coagulation profile may be ordered if a clotting deficiency is suspected to be the cause of the bleeding.
Usually, natural home remedies are recommended as internal hemorrhoids treatment options. These include drinking plenty of water, diet with high amount of fiber, sitz baths and stool softeners.
Also, different kinds of creams and ointments can relieve the symptoms by reducing the swelling of hemorrhoids. They often contain also some cortisone that helps in swelling as well.
However, these treatments do not cure the hemorrhoids permanently. That is why fiber diets and stool softeners are used in combination. Protruded hemorrhoids will need reduction by a gentle push into the anus.
Surgery may be required to remove a clot from a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Also, surgery may be a consideration in patients with recurrent symptoms.
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Surgical techniques used include rubber band ligation, sclerosing of the veins using chemical agents, ligation of the veins, laser treatment, hemorrhoidectomy for removal of the veins and the use of surgical staples.

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